Perfect Money Top up USD


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Perfect Money Top-up USD Currency

Perfect Money is a leading financial service allowing users to make instant payments and to make money transfers securely throughout the Internet opening unique opportunities to Internet users and owners of Internet businesses. Perfect Money targets to bring the transactions on the Internet to the ideal level!



Perfect Money Top up

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Partner Program

Perfect Money calls your attention to our partner program. We offer you to get 1% of annual profit from the minimum monthly number of your referrals.

You can start easily, just use this link:

Where account is your Member ID in our system.
Payments on the referral program can be viewed in an automatic monthly extract.

By choosing Perfect Money, our customers choose a high quality service for managing electronic finances and provide their business with the top level safety and security. For this reason the logotype of Perfect Money on your website will surely show your high status in business and inspire the respect of your colleagues.

By cooperating with Perfect Money every partner is expected to place promo-blocks presented variously on this page on his website.

What are some ways I can use Perfect Money
Perfect Money is a universal system that was created as a perfect tool for online payments. Here is what you can do using Perfect Money:

  • make money transfers between users;
  • accept payments in on behalf of various business projects on the Internet;
  • make regular payments on the Internet;
  • store funds in a secure electronic account and receive interest;
  • pay for goods and services in various online stores;
  • store your assets in cryptocurrency with no risks and no need to set up an additional wallet;
  • buy Bitcoin, gold, USD and EUR currencies online;
  • borrow and lend funds on your own terms

What are Perfect Money supported currencies?
Each user account is a multicurrency one. It is subdivided into 4 different currency accounts:

  • USD (PM units, the equivalent of United States dollar)
  • EUR (PM units, the equivalent of Euro)
  • GOLD (PM units, the equivalent of the precious metal, expressed in troy ounces)
  • Bitcoin (property rights for the publication of entries in the global public database of network on behalf of Perfect Money are reserved by Startup Research & Investments LLC);


Members of the partner program can use our materials as well.

We are sure that the logotype of Perfect Money on your website will enhance your prestige and develop trust of the Internet users.

تشهد الساحة المصرفية توسعا كبيرا في التكنولوجيا البنكية من أبرزها ظهور الخدمات المالية الإلكترونية أو بما تسمى بالبنوك الإلكترونية، فهي تتوفر على مواقع إلكترونية على الإنترنت وذلك لتقديم احسن الخدمات للعميل من سحب، دفع وتحويل دون التنقل لها. إضافة إلى ذلك تعتبر من بين العوامل التي أدت إلى ارتفاع عدد الإستثمارات والتسوق الإلكتروني على الشبكة العنكبوتية واستقطاب آلاف العملاء لاستخدام هذا النوع من البنوك.1

يعتبر Perfect Money من البنوك الإلكترونية المشهورة حيث يقدم هذا الاخير خدمة مالية جيدة تمكن مستخدمية من الدفع الفوري وتحويل الأموال بأمان عن طريق الإنترنت متيحة فرص فريدة لعملائها من مستخدمي الإنترنت وأصحاب المشاريع على السواء. هدفه ان يجعل تحويل الأموال من خلال الإنترنت هو الحل المثالي.2

من أهم ميزات هذا البنك هو انه يجمع بين الأمان متعدد المستويات والنظام الذي يتمتع بالبساطة والسهولة في استخدامه.


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